Refund Policy
We do not accept exchanges, returns, or cancellations.
A refund or exchange will only be applicable in the rare event that we mistakenly send the wrong items or miss any items. If this is the case, it must be brought to our attention by emailing no more than 3 days after receipt.
We carefully examine all items before they are shipped however, if any of our products arrive defective or simply do not meet your expectations, please email us and we will do our best to resolve the issue.
We may occasionally offer discounts on our site. Please note that no refunds or price adjustments will be given for orders placed outside of the sale time frames.
Please review measurements and materials prior to placing your order. While our products are hypo allergenic, we are not responsible for any allergic reactions you may experience. If you experience an allergic reaction to any of our products please discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.